There is no doubt that the issue of the day – and one that’s gathering global consensus and momentum – is climate change. With global warming hitting the headlines around the world, consumers are turning to business leaders to see the changes we require in the world in order to live within our means. And it’s at this juncture that you ought to be doing the same in your company, i.e., making changes that are aimed at reducing your carbon footprint and cutting your waste within your company. Read on to find out how to go greener, as a company, in 2020.

Internal Audit

First up, you should commission an internal audit of all of the sections of your business. Be indiscriminate here and ensure that you’re getting the best, most reliable data about all the points in your business where you’re impacting the environment. Be sure to publish these results, as you’ll soon be publishing more impressive results that show that you’re making strides to tackle your eco-rating within your business. With the information collated, you can approach different areas of your enterprise in order to get them to change their workplace habits and systems for the better.

Using Balers

If you’re a business that produces a good deal of waste, one of the easiest ways in which you can change your environmental impact is to systematize your waste production and recycling in order to create a well-oiled machine that works for your business. Using balers – which help crush recyclables into small, manageable cubes – is a key component of your strategy here. You’ll find all kinds of models on, with size and crush specifications to suit your volume of waste and the requirements you have for recycling within your business. 

Cutting Electricity

When you think of damaging the environment, the first thing you’re likely to think about is fumes. Carbon dioxide, and the resultant greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, is released by energy-producing power plants, and it’s here that we see a real impact on our ability to control global heating. So, train your staff to switch off lights and appliances when they’re not in use. Attempt to streamline the processes that use energy in order to cut your usage and bills. All of these measures, taken together, will reduce your emissions by reducing the electricity you require.

Running Training

Training your employees is an excellent way to uphold their own individual and collective responsibilities to be kinder to the environment. While they’re undoubtedly interested in helping the environment and are conscientious workers, it can be difficult for them to access the information that will enable them to make more positive decisions. As such, make sure that you’re getting your staff together on an away day to look at their behaviors in the workplace, and to train them to change how they act in their day to day roles in order to minimize their impact on the world around them.

By taking your green responsibilities seriously, you’ll be able to build a better company for the 2020s – one that is kinder to the environment.