Cyber security can seem like an absolutely mammoth task when you are running a business. Keeping your antivirus software up to date is a never-ending job, and training users on how not to fall victim to phishing attacks can be a lesson that seems as though it falls on deaf ears!


Browser isolation is another tool in your Cyber security tool belt that does not require constant updating, and also protects you against threats caused by human error.

How big an issue is cyber security?

CNBC recently reported that cyberattacks now cost companies on average $200,000. That is not a small amount of money for any company, but for small businesses that could be enough of a loss to shut them down permanently.


It is estimated that 43% of attacks are aimed at small businesses, and most of them are not adequately equipped to defend themselves. It is for this reason that attackers keep trying to find new ways to get at small businesses, they know that it will be an easier job for them.


As hackers learn more, Cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and more complex for people to resolve. This means that businesses really need to pay attention to their Cyber security measures.

What is browser isolation

Browser isolation is an innovative new technology which keeps you safe from Cyber security threats. The majority of threats occur within your browser, putting your data at risk by the code that is run within it. Phishing attacks, malware, spyware… all of these things get to your computer via your browser.


By using remote browser isolation technology you can run code, that could potentially be harmful, in a virtual browser which is not connected to your computer or to your network. Because the code cannot get at your computer it will not have any impact even if it is harmful.


The browser code runs in the virtual browser, while the harmless pixels which make up the images and text of websites are returned for you to see. 

Why is it so effective?

Around 90% of cyber security breaches in the UK in 2019 were due to user error. This means things like users opening phishing emails, or inadvertently downloading malicious software from dangerous websites. 

For people who are not well versed in Cybersecurity, it is not always easy to spot things that could be a threat. One way to get around this issue is to make training on Cybersecurity a priority, so that people know what they can do safely, and what should be flagged up as a concern.


However, training is not always effective. When people are under pressure in their jobs, it can be easy to accidentally forget your Cybersecurity training. Browser isolation protects against this because even if a user were to navigate to a browser page that was malicious, the code would not be able to get at their computer.


Another great thing about browser isolation is that it is not so reliant on anticipating the moves of hackers and keeping software up to date. This means that if you do miss an update, you will still be safe because the hackers will never be able to get to your computer in the first place, no matter what new method they employ.